“I’m sorry to interrupt, but I have to tell you that you are a boar.”
I said: “You think I am a bore?”
He replied: “Yes. You are a pig.”
I exclaimed: “A pig?!”
“Yes. Not a rat, a pig. And this is your year!”
That’s when I realized that he was referring to the Chinese zodiac-- not reflecting on my conversation skills or eating patterns. I had forgotten that we had been discussing astrology over coffee the other day.

So, it’s true. I am a pig.
Master Rao at astrology.com confirmed it. I guess when it comes down to it; I was never terribly comfortable with being a rat. I don’t mean to brag, but according to Master Rao, the pig may just be the “most generous and honorable Sign of the Zodiac.” The pig is a great companion, terribly loyal, very inquisitive and studious, extremely intelligent, quite a perfectionist and not just a little badass. Unfortunately, we are often mistakenly labeled snobbish. Uh…interesting. ‘Cause sometimes they're not mistaken. Well, that’s not necessarily true. But I don’t have much of a poker face when Mr. Sketchy sits down next to me on the bus and wants to make nice-nice. Another interesting thing I read is that pigs tend to think the best of people (to the point of being naïve), but we can be “quite venomous when crossed”. Well all I can say to that is “Oink”.
Stephanie you allways make me laugh, you are so funny and I am so glad that you are that kind of pig!!
Thanks sweetie! Now that I am no longer looking at things from a rat's perspective, it is a whole new world...
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