Monday, August 6, 2007

Eric, Here's Your Damn Post...

Yes, I KNOW June 10th was my last post. My dear friend has sent me several emails with the last post in the email body. Alright, already! I fell down the rabbit hole, OK?

Actually, I have been in "Arabic Bootcamp" at Hebrew University. They offer an intensive Literary Arabic course and I figured I could continue being a human being while taking it. I figured wrong. It was truly the most brutal course of my academic career...and I'm the kind of gal who sets the bar pretty high to begin with. The course was 5 1/2 hours a day, 5 days a week, PLUS there was 5 hours of homework a night. Brutal. I'm still suffering from some post-traumatic stress from the experience so I will refrain from expressing any opinions about the program until my head is clearer.

I realize I have missed some really important events while I've been away. I have been scribbling notes on scraps of paper so I could get back to the house to write a post about events as they came up. Alas, I was a slave to this course. I'll try to do better in the future.


Sheema said...

Gosh, and I was starting to worry about what happened to you!

But if your course was anything like my Masters, then I can relate...

Speaking of Arabic, your experience has inspired me! I'm really keen on exploring options for learning Arabic (and volunteering) in Palestine. Even though this is more of long-term wishful thinking, it would be really helpful to get your suggestions and advice!

Would love to hear from you :-)

Fabulous in the Holy Land said...

Sorry to worry you Sheema! I'm back safe and sound. I'll put together some volunteering and arabic class suggestions for you!