Sunday, February 25, 2007

So Long Stinktown...

I've decided that the trick to keeping my sanity here is to make every effort to get away from Jerusalem on a regular basis. Last weekend, I took a day trip to Tel Aviv to dip my toes in the Mediterranean. This weekend, I went on a day long trek out to Wadi Kelt. By the end of the day, I was dusty and sore but I felt completely at ease. Below are some pics from the day.

First up is the obligatory camel picture. This one is dedicated to my brother-in-law. Here's your damn camel already...

I wish I could have captured how spectacular the view actually was. I suppose I could have recorded a video clip, but that would have required two things: 1) an actual understanding of how to operate my camera, and 2) the dexterity necessary to be able to look around me without sliding down the angled, narrow gravel trail to my death. Alright, that was an exaggeration. But I was hiking on 4 hours of sleep and with a minor hangover, so I didn't want to take any chances.

A quarter of the way we came upon a spring. We considered sloshing along upstream a bit, but decided to save that for another day.

The main destination was St. George's Monastery. They have a beautiful collection of icons and a preserved body of a monk that was found in a cave. I thought about taking a picture of the body and then I was like "Ew...what's the matter with you?" I was also contemplating on taking a picture of the pit toilet...I think that I had gotten too much sun.

And obligatory picture of a goat herder...

By the end of the day, the winds had really picked up. The bus was meeting us at the top of a ridiculously steep hill, so we all took lots of pictures of the view as we were leaving. I know that I welcomed any reason for a break while we were walking...

I think next weekend I'm going to have to venture out again. It's such a great way of recharging and for gaining a little perspective.


Madi said...

haha! interesting! you have good sense of humour :-)

keep us updated after your next weekends trip

Fabulous in the Holy Land said...

Thanks Jad! I hope I have an amusing adventure to write about. ;)