Monday, May 21, 2007

Before there was MJ Rosenberg, there was Hanan Ashrawi

When I was going on and on about MJ Rosenberg, I don't know how I could have forgotten my favorite female hero...Hanan Ashrawi. I'm at work right now, and I'm checking the links on the NGOs website. That's when I came across the website "Miftah". It's been a while since I've been there and I forgot what a great source it is for Israel/Palestine news.

Hanan Ashrawi is one of the reasons I have a passion about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. For quite some time I was very pro-Israel, and it was her book "This Side of Peace" that helped me recognize that my understanding of the situation was heavily biased. It is always a bitter pill to swallow when you admit to yourself that you don't know everything about everything. Of course, it is extremely frustrating to always try to see both sides of both sides. It is a whole lot more comfortable to just pick a team and be ignorant. "Blissful" you might say. So Dr. Ashrawi, I thank you for the enlightment, and I resent you for the cognitive dissonance.

Check out her organization's website:

Sunday, May 20, 2007

I'm in Love with I...ichannel, that is

Actually, I think I'm in love with the brother. I'm not sure how I found it, but I get such a kick out of ichannel. Someone put up the entire movie "28 Days Later" on YouTube, and it scared the hell out of me. I had to keep clicking to other videos until I got up the nerve to watch it again, so this clip must have been linked to "28 Days Later". Odd. They're not exactly in the same genre...ichannel is up to episode 16 now. Go to YouTube to see the rest, it will suck you right in.

Sometimes it's not what you say...

Early this week I gazed into the cataract clouded eyes of the sweetest bit of crazy I've ever seen. Buckets of rain were dumped on this city, and so I opted to take the bus home from work. While waiting for the #75 to fill up, a teeny, tiny, wee little Hajjah sat down next to me. She was approximately 215 years old and I pray that if I ever make it to her age, I hope that I am that cute.

Soon after we departed the bus station, she began to make chit chat. Unsure if she was chatting with me or with herself, I didn't bother to ask her to repeat what she said. I made noncommittal umms & uh-huhs and tried to cope with the discomfort of not knowing the language well enough to follow along with her dementia. I decided that she was indeed talking to me, but it didn't really matter if I understood or not. She just had something to say.

I overheard her conversation with the driver, so I knew that she wanted to go to Makassat Hospital. The other passengers repeatedly assured her that this bus would take her close to her destination. I, on the other hand, was going to Ilmuttallah Hospital--a quick detour from the normal bus route. The driver asked her several times whether she meant Makassat or Ilmuttallah, and he explained that we were going to stop at Ilmuttallah first.

As my travel companion chatted away, I found myself looking directly at her sweet little face. She had quite a bit to say about the Israeli soldiers who were now peppered all over the neighborhoods near Damascus Gate. She also had quite a bit to say about Makassat Hospital. Rather, the people either in or around Makassat were on her mind. In her opinion, there is a whole lot of crazy there. She just kept saying crazy, crazy, crazy. It was pretty clear that she wasn't looking for a response, but I felt compelled to let her know that I was paying attention to her. I said in my broken Arabic, "I'm sorry Hajjah. I don't understand everything. I only speak a little Arabic." She beamed.

Naturally, the first question she had for me was "Are you married?" In Arabic class, in order to assuage my annoyance with this daily question/judgement, my teacher taught me to say two things: 1) "Its none of your business" and 2) "I am single, and I have no worries about it." Neither one seemed appropriate in this context, so I said: "No, but God is generous" Clearly she was tickled with this topic, and the best I could make out from her response was either she had thought I had already been married many times, OR she has been married many times. I'm putting my money on the latter. She continued to cackle away to herself for quite some time.

The bus approached the intersection where the driver turns either left for Ilmuttallah Hospital or right for Makassat Hospital. He called back to the passengers to see if any of us needed Ilmuttallah and I called back "aiwa". The name Ilmuttallah put my companion into quite a spin. Despite several passengers trying to come her down, the Hajjah jumped up, yelled "Makassat!! Makassat!! Makassat!! and darted off the bus. She was surprisingly spry for her age.

Despite not knowing what she was saying to me, that was probably the best conversation I've had since I've been here.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

crack, crack, boom

On Monday, I started working with an amazing female-run Palestinian NGO that aims to empower women politically and seeks to end violence against women in Palestinian society. This organization is one of the reasons I wanted to do research on Palestinian women's organizations to begin with, so admittedly I am a little bit star struck.

I can honestly say that this the first time I have ever had a checkpoint as part of my daily commute to work. And I thought taking the Red Line in DC was a pain in the ass...On my first day, as the bus drove through the checkpoint, I caught a glimpse of a young soldier pushing a middle aged woman and then forcefully shoving a man my father's age. I am not a good enough writer to be able to convey the feeling that this encounter evoked. "Perverse" comes to mind. "Shame" is another. I think that I always assumed that when faced with abuses of power that I would be courageous. I would be compelled to step forward. But, I didn't. Like the rest of my fellow commuters, I just continued on to my destination.

Two hours later, I am sitting at my new desk sifting through some of the organization's documents. All of a sudden, I hear crack, crack...BOOM! By now, I am used to these sounds. It could be fireworks (yes, they shoot them off even in the middle of the day...and no, I don't know why), it could be a truck back-firing, it could be teargas canisters being tossed by soldiers, it could be construction general, this is not a quiet place. Then my Palestinian co-worker ran in and said "Did you hear the bomb?" So, we tried to assess the situation from my window that faces the huge grotesque "security" wall. Some people seemed to be hesitating by the wall opening but otherwise, life was going on as "normal".

Could you imagine this happening elsewhere? You're sitting down to have lunch at work and you hear a loud explosion. After a cursory glance out the window, you return your attention to the matter at hand. Oooh, egg salad!

I don't know how much coverage there is of the Nakhba, otherwise known by Palestinians as "the catastrophe". This day marks the anniversary of the establishment of the State of Israel and the crushing blow to Palestinian national aspirations. Israelis celebrated this event a couple of weeks ago along with their Memorial Day. The Palestinians in Jerusalem don't have the luxury of having a Memorial Day. Just in case they forgot, they were reminded of their constant state of occupation by the Israeli flags that have been hung throughout our East Jerusalem neighborhood just for this occasion and by an influx of hundreds of young flag & rifle toting soldiers taking a "tour" of East Jerusalem neighborhoods.

I suppose if this wasn't enough to jog their collective memories, the crazy assed Jewish fundamentalist movement descended on our Holy City. One friend was watching a settler demonstration in the Old City where a symbolic coffin with a Palestinian flag was set aflame. Unfortunately for them, the flame was quickly doused as the skies opened up and poured down on them. Ever resourceful, the demonstrators proceeded to rip the flag apart and stomp on the "coffin". As she was relating what had occurred, I couldn't help but think that there was something very "Lord of the Flies" about this story.

I think it's important for people to know that the "crazy assed" element of this society does exist and that comment is well founded. Tragically, the other day a 35 year-old taxi driver from Beit Hanina was brutally murdered by their ilk. My co-worker came to show me an article about her childhood playmate who was murdered by two of these fundamentalists. They lured him away from Damascus Gate by getting in his taxi and then slit his throat. The victim was selected because he was an Arab, and that's all that mattered. I hope that justice will be served. The whole thing has left me sick to my stomach.

By the way, the article I link to is from the Jerusalem Post, a right wing Israeli paper (in my opinion). By the looks of the comments at the end of the article, I think that the ugliest segments of society must subscribe to this paper. Somehow, (according to the reader responses) the brutality of the crime is mitigated by the fact that Tayseer Karaki's dead body was draped with a Palestinian flag. As if his national identity somehow "proves" his own guilt for something. A human being died at the hands of hate-mongers. Period. Shame on anyone who thinks otherwise. The uncle said it best when he said: "Why is it that whenever a Jew murders an Arab they say he's crazy and deranged?" he asked. "But when an Arab murders a Jew, he's always convicted even of he really is insane." There shouldn't be a double-standard. A hate motivated, pre-meditated murder is wrong no matter who the victim is.

Man, sometimes I really hate all this hate.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

In the Trenches Together

Some days I have a hard time appreciating the unique opportunity I've been given and I wonder "what the hell am I doing in this place?" Then I look around at all the fabulous people I have met and I remember how blessed I am. I am living in a remarkable oasis among people who are dedicating a period in their lives to help the Palestinian people in the best ways that they can. Some risk their own personal safety to be a continuous international presence at checkpoints. Others leave behind their families and jobs to volunteer their time and skills at the nearby Palestinian hospital. Still others work with youth and inspire them to express themselves creatively. Sadly, everyone's visa runs out at some point. As much as I love having met some amazing people, it really sucks to see them go. We just said goodbye to one of the good ones, and I have posted her goodbye speech. Someday when she's famous, you'll be able to say you heard of her first here! We'll miss you Margit!

Jerusalem: A City Divine
by Margit

So I came to work in Jerusalem, in the land of milk and honey.
I wanted to live in a holy place, and Mark was offering money.

I thought I could cut it, I thought I would stay,
But life got to be wearing day after day.

The land is divided, the citizens clash,
The streets reek of burning of garbage and trash.

In the summer it's too hot, in the winter too much rain.
The tourists clog the streets and the Zionists are insane.

The policemen are mean and their teargas is choking.
My nose fills with sand and the smell of men smoking.

The boys say rude things in the city forsaken,
The stores don't sell wine, beer, liquor, or bacon.

So why did I stay here and not up and quit?
Just throw in the towel, say 'Enough of this shit'?

Because here in this desert 'tween the heat and the hate
Is a little utopia behind a stone gate.

Where the women are strong and the men are good looking,
And the common room kitchen smells of Toshiko's cooking.

The gardens are lovely, the windows are clean,
And there's never a wait for the washing machine.

Now, you know, on this same mountain is a place almost as pretty
Where Jesus came to pray to escape the troubled city.

He and his pals were in a garden, and Jesus was under a tree,
So I'd say I'm kind of like Jesus. And Jesus is kind of like me.

'Cause I'm standing in a garden, and all my friends are near,
And some of them are dozing off 'cause they've drinken too much beer.

And in a short time I will leave you. And I'll be questioned by security.
And they'll torment and harass me for my political impurity.

But then God will lift me up into the highest heavens,
Or at least to cruising altitude in a 747.

But know that when I leave you, when I've departed from this hill,
That I'll be living in my father's house, racking up the telephone bill.

And so now, in these final hours, let me say to thee and thine:
Thank you for your love and care and for making this city divine.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

This Might Be Why I'm Single. I'm a Dork.

Here is where the geek in me comes out. Is it possible to have an academic crush on someone? I am such a huge fan of MJ Rosenberg from Israel Policy Forum. I have sent him emails in response to some of his commentaries--once to thank him for his courage and rational analysis. In one commentary, he was describing the abuse that ordinary Palestinians endure under a military occupation but he also addressed the psychological manipulation soldiers endure at the hands of their own leadership.

Instead of making blanket accusations, Rosenberg often illuminates the causal mechanisms behind acts on both sides. In a world of "pick your tribe and shoot 'em up" politics, it is a relief to know that there are still people who refuse to take the bait. Agree with him or disagree with him (I do disagree sometimes, too), but you have to applaud the fact that there are people out there who want to stimulate dialogue and not just spew rhetoric. There are heroes and villains on both sides, but mostly there are good people who want a peaceful life without having to relinquish their dignity. So here's three cheers for MJ Rosenberg for reminding us that those people exist.

This is one article that I found interesting:
Washington, DC, May 11, 2007 Issue # 322

Why Jews Envy the Irish
Tuesday, May 9, 2007 was a great day for the Irish. It was not so great for Israelis and Palestinians.

On Tuesday, the conflict over Ireland, which began in the 12th century (and in which 3500 people have been killed since 1966), ended when ultra-hard-line Protestant leader Reverend Ian Paisley joined former senior IRA commander Martin McGuinness in a power-sharing Catholic-Protestant unity government.

In the words of the BBC, it was a "moment of such improbability that it sets a new benchmark against which the future will judge unlikely events still to come” – like the signing of a peace treaty between Israelis and Palestinians.

For a time, of course, it appeared that Israelis and Palestinians would end their conflict before Irish Catholics and Protestants. It was in 1993 that Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and PLO leader Yasir Arafat signed the Oslo agreement on the White House lawn. But Rabin was assassinated in 1995 and, after that tragedy, neither side fully observed the agreement although it did, nevertheless, succeed in dramatically reducing the violence – which skyrocketed after Oslo collapsed in the fall of 2000.

The Irish equivalent of Oslo was the Good Friday agreement of 1998 which laid the groundwork for the power-sharing arrangement that was implemented on Tuesday.

Like Oslo, the Good Friday agreement hit snag after snag, with both sides caught violating its terms (just two months after Good Friday, 29 people were killed and 200 injured in an attack by an IRA splinter group in the city of Omagh, Northern Ireland designed to scuttle the peace process). But none of the major players on either side was assassinated and each setback was followed by intensive efforts to resuscitate the agreement.

Another difference worth noting is that while Oslo was signed by moderates in the Israeli and Palestinian camps, Tuesday’s Irish peacemakers were hard-liners, known for their intense animosity toward the other side.

Protestant Paisley had famously said, “If an IRA man comes to a Protestant home and my men are there they will kill that IRA man. Yes sir.” Catholic McGuinness once said, “I am prepared to go to jail. I would rather die than disrupt or destroy my code of honor to the IRA.”

This was not so much the center embracing the center as the extremes embracing the extremes (not embracing, actually, but agreeing to live in peace). On Tuesday, it was Paisley who said, “A time to love and a time to hate. A time of war and a time of peace. From the depths of my heart I believe Northern Ireland has come to a time of peace,” while McGuinness said, “To Ian Paisley, I want to wish you all the best as we step forward toward the greatest yet most exciting challenge of our lives.”

The gaps that divided Irish Catholics and Protestants until Tuesday were every bit as wide as those dividing Israelis and Palestinians. Like Israelis and Palestinians, the two sides were fighting over one piece of land (although the Northern Irish could not simply divide it between them as Israelis and Palestinians can and will). The religious animosity was as intense as that between Jews and Muslims. And the 800 year old Irish conflict was some 740 years more ancient than the six decades old Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

So why did the Good Friday Agreement succeed while Oslo collapsed?

The most significant reason is the perseverance of some critical outsiders. The governments of Prime Minister Bertie Ahearn of the Irish Republic and Tony Blair of the United Kingdom made securing peace in Northern Ireland a top priority. Both leaders intervened strenuously every time there was a set-back. Blair enlisted President Clinton to help and Clinton appointed former Senate Majority Leader, George Mitchell, as his Special Envoy to Northern Ireland. Mitchell played a critical role in keeping the process alive at its darkest moments. Additionally, leading Irish-American politicians like Sen. Edward Kennedy weighed in to keep the two sides talking.

There are additional reasons for the success of the Good Friday agreement and yesterday I asked an expert what they were. I called John J. Cullinane, a Boston based computer entrepreneur (the company he founded became the first publicly traded software company) and philanthropist. Cullinane, an Irish Catholic, has been involved in the Northern Ireland peace process from the beginning; his particular emphasis is job creation which he sees as essential to conflict resolution in economically hard hit areas.

I asked Cullinane what those of us active in advancing the Israeli-Palestinian peace process can learn from the Irish experience. His response came in a ten-point e-mail a few minutes later.

1. Getting any group of people to give up any power, whatsoever, is extraordinarily difficult, virtually impossible.

2. Doing so requires the full time effort and influence of world political leaders, other stakeholders, diasporas etc., using every possible opportunity, because the antagonists can't, or won't, do it themselves.

3. Governments can only do so much such as negotiate cease fires, arrange meetings, and organize conferences, so they need good ideas from the private sector that they can support.

4. Business leaders in the area must get involved and use their influence to promote peace and not leave things to the extremists from both sides of the conflict. G7, a group of seven business organizations which was formed in Northern Ireland to do exactly this, is a perfect example.

5. The diasporas of both sides of the conflict have to help promote peace and economic development in a coordinated fashion. Communicating the sense that both diasporas are working together is critical. The Friends of Belfast is a good example.

6. Only the private sector can create the all-important peace dividend of jobs and economic development.

7. Even the prospect of peace can set in motion a great economic revival in a depressed area.

8. The sooner most people feel that they are better off, the easier it will be for the politicians to negotiate an agreement. It’s remarkable how quickly political leaders can agree once it suits them to do so.

9 . There will always be those who will try to disrupt any progress towards peace with violent acts, or question the motives of the other side, but those promoting peace can't let these acts, or views, deter them.

10. If the conflict can be resolved in Northern Ireland, every conflict is resolvable if the respective leaders want to, or are helped to do so. This obviously includes the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Cullinane's points make sense. However, there is one critical difference between the two conflicts. In the case of Northern Ireland, once the decision to pursue peace was made, the constituency for continued conflict started disappearing not only in Ireland but in the diaspora as well. Irish Americans wanted President Clinton to put his weight behind the peace process. They applauded Ted Kennedy, Pat Moynihan and other Irish-American politicians for helping end the Irish “troubles.” Those Irish-American groups that thrived on the conflict either changed course or shriveled away.

That never happened after Oslo. The mainstream pro-Israel community here was ambivalent about Oslo right from the start. Almost immediately groups sprang up to "monitor" the Oslo process and point to its flaws. Pro-Israel speakers and spokespeople were able to bring crowds to their feet by spouting the tired old pre-Oslo rhetoric.

And, contrary to the Irish-American support for politicians who backed the peace process, pro-Israel groups here deem the most extreme and virulent Palestinian-bashers as “staunch friends of Israel” rather than as people who contribute to Israel’s problems. Many politicians (although in ever diminishing numbers) believe that the best way to be pro-Israel is to be anti-Palestinian and anti-peace.

Fortunately the situation is changing, even though powerful institutions continue their fight to preserve the status quo. But their message is growing stale and fewer politicians are paying attention. And even those who are will tell you privately that they are eager to pursue peaceful alternatives but are constrained by campaign considerations.

That is why we have a long way to go before we can celebrate the kind of event the Irish did on Tuesday. And it is also why that is why a great day for the Irish was just another ordinary day for Israelis and Palestinians. Ordinary, and bleak.

Yesterday a pregnant Palestinian woman lost her six month old baby when a random shot fired by Israeli soldiers struck her while she was lying in her bed in the Al Ein refugee camp in Nablus. And a six-year-old Israeli boy was badly injured when he jumped from the window of his home after going into shock due to one of three Kassam rockets that landed in Sderot.

The beat goes on.

But here is some good news. According to the Forward, "The Center for American Progress is set to launch the Middle East Bulletin , which will be arriving in subscribers’ inboxes beginning next week. It aims to take on Daily Alert, published by the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations and prepared by a right-wing think tank in Israel." The Center is one of the most influential think tanks in Washington and its new bulletin will surely have a positive impact. You can get a free subscription here .

MJ Rosenberg is the Director of Israel Policy Forum's Washington Policy Center. If you have colleagues or friends who would appreciate receiving this weekly letter, or you would like to unsubscribe, send an e-mail to:
Copyright 2007 Israel Policy Forum. All Rights Reserved.
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I think that one point that needs to be emphasized is that not only is it necessary to have the "perseverance of some critical outsiders", but these outsiders must be single-minded in their focus: resolve the issues that are crucial for both sides. This conflict does not need outsiders with agendas biased to one particular group. Regardless of political or religious allegiance, outsiders must be single-minded in their pressure: removal of illegal settlements and outposts, removal of a wall that appropriated Palestinian lands and separates Palestinians from their communities in order to "protect" illegal settlements, demand for the immediate halt of violence from both sides--whether perpetrated in or out of uniform or under the guise of promoting "security", removal of barriers to movement within Palestinian communities, acknowledgement that economic empowerment will not succeed under a military occupation that by its very existence stifles entrepreneurship.

I often hear remarks about how Palestinians can improve their situation in spite of the Israeli occupation. Usually, these comments aren't based on the reality on the ground, but on "economic theory" Cliff Notes. I should know, I was one of those people. I wrote my college application essay on the importance of economic growth in the Palestinian/Israeli conflict--but I missed some important variables. Yes, there is no doubt that people are less likely to take up arms in they have food on the table, a roof over their heads, a good school for their children, etc...I think that it is safe to say that most Palestinians are aware of that too. So, the question then is "Why haven't they been able to build a viable economy in which peaceful coexistence can thrive?" What barriers are there to production and market access? What resources are necessary for a factory to be built? What laws are in place to facilitate or restrict the development of industry? What resources are necessary for the shipment of goods?

No one is acknowledging the flip side of the coin. Most would-be entrepreneurs and industrialists are in a cage, guarded by lions. The outside world keeps asking: "Why don't you just make it a nicer cage?"

Point #5 needs further elaboration. I have been discussing the lobbying culture in the U.S. quite a bit lately. It is definitely a topic that requires a post of its own, but I'd love to learn more about a coordinated grassroots Palestinian Diaspora movement in the U.S. The pro-Israel lobby and coordinated Jewish Diaspora was not a spontaneous collective. It is the product of years of strategic planning and activity. Like any successful social movement, the Jewish lobby is the result of strong formal and informal network ties, strong leadership that can strategically coordinate direct action campaigns and stimulate political pressure, a long history of building donor relationships and a constructed identity that links followers to the survival of the State of Israel. Is there an emerging lobbying rival in the Palestinian Diaspora community? I only know about the Arab American Institute and the Arab American Anti-Discrimination Committee. If anyone knows of more, please drop a line.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Sorry Guys. This Souvenir from the Holy Land is just for me.

When I thought about what I might like to pick up while I’m here, I was thinking more along the lines of Hebron glass, or a set of beautiful hand-painted dishes made by students at the Atfaluna Society for Deaf Children, or even some traditional embroidery to support the women’s NGOs and associations that I admire so much.

Here were a few things that I didn’t plan on acquiring: Lyme Disease, the Rose of Jericho parasite, discoid eczema or ring worm. Yet, lo and behold! My once elegant left knee is now plagued with a spiral rash that is an identifying marker of all four scourges.

I feel relatively confident that I can 86 the Lyme Disease scenario. The Middle East is not an afflicted region. Plus, I don’t have any of the more obvious symptoms. But yes, I’m going to mention it to the doctor anyway. So, do not harp on me.

I had fairly well convinced myself that it was ringworm. Plus, one of my housemates is an intensive care nurse, and he seemed to think that was the culprit. By the way, ringworm is not a worm. It is a fungus that spirals out in a rash, hence the name. One of the most common ways that ringworm is transmitted here is through contact with infected cats. I don’t want to call out our garden kitten, Haitham, as the carrier, but her usual perch is along the length of my thigh and she tends to jam her claws into my knee if she gets startled. So, she will remain our most likely suspect. (BTW, I know Haitham is a boy’s name, but we didn’t realize that he was a she until a special night when the neighborhood tomcats arrived. Clearly the moon hit their eyes like a big pizza pie...Mystery solved.)

As of tonight, my ringworm diagnosis is now less definitive. I was discouraging one of my classmates from demonstrating too much “cat love” with one of our Arabic class strays, when my teacher caught sight of my blight. He said, “Oh boy. That looks like ‘Rose of Jericho’. You better get to a doctor.” The last four hours of Google surfing has yielded WAY more than I ever wanted to know about leishmaniasis, A.K.A; Rose of Jericho. Apparently, the sandfly is one bad ass mudder trucker. So, if I got bit than I’m hosting some critters in my knee. After looking at way too many pictures and reading journal articles about this affliction, I am 85% certain that it isn’t the case. But no doubt it will be one of the first things I ask my doctor.

One of my classmates noticed my burgeoning hypochondriatic melt-down and promptly informed me that is probably just discoid eczema. Awesome. That helped to put my mind at ease. Now instead of having something that is (relatively) quickly curable—albeit soooo gross-- I might be plagued by recurring flare-ups of this nonsense. But then again, it’s not itchy. Isn’t eczema supposed to itch? Then again-again, I put an apple cider vinegar compress on as soon as I saw it, so it dried up all the little pimples. Ahhhhh, Apple Cider Vinegar, is there nothing that you can’t do?

So that’s that. No doubt, I am now the grossest person you know. I hope you at least think I’m beautiful on the inside. And if you don’t, is not the time to tell me. I’m still not over the really bad haircut I got a while back. I can’t take one more blow to my vanity.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

My dog ate it...I lost track of time...My computer is on the fritz...I fell down a well

I was looking for a nice "Sorry" image to apologize for not posting in a long time, and I came across this website. I realize that I'm a little behind on the times, but I thought it was a cool project. According to the website, 26,000 people responded after the 2004 election. Reading the apologies really pulls you right back to that period in time. Politics are so ugly.

One of the things that came out of the photo project was the Civil Tongue Foundation. The idea was to "promote polite, reasonable and content-based dialogue between the multitudes of American political viewpoints." You can imagine my enthusiam and child-like gullibilty that a grassroots movement to end Jerry Springer-esque mud-slinging, trash-talking and issue-spinning exists. A few Google searches later, I came to realize that the Foundation didn't have the legs for a long haul. Couldn't find anything on it. Too bad, because if the next election is decided on smoke screen issues like gay marriage, faith & family values, I might just decide to stay in the Middle East where people are rational.

I'll write more about what's what here later on...