Sunday, March 25, 2007

I'm Not the Only Lucky One... too can study Arabic in Palestine! I have had people ask me what the options are for studying Arabic here, so let me lay it on you.

First, I have to give props to my teacher Issa. My language classes are through the Kenyon Institute which is a division of The Council for British Research in the Levant. Classes have just ended for this session but begin again on April 30th - June 28th. After that, he then starts classes back up in September. The class is mostly colloquial and is held two days a week. It is probably one of the better deals around at 1,200 NIS. (Approximately, $325) You can reach Issa directly at or contact the Kenyon Institute at

I met two cool people in Ramallah last week at an Advocacy Fair sponsored by AIDA and PNGO. The gave me info about their summer language programs that include homestays. The first was The Palestine Summer Encounter through The Middle East Fellowship.

The second was Siraj Center for Holy Land Studies.
Both are definitely worth checking out. If you plan on just doing a short course, I would suggest going with a homestay.

There are also options through
Birzeit University
Al-Quds University

I would suggest that anyone coming to study Arabic at a Palestinian institution should enter Israel on a tourist visa and keep their yap shut about their linguist aspirations. No need to risk getting turned back at Ben Gurion Airport--and people do get turned back.

If you're the adventurous type, I would even recommend not signing up for any course until you've arrive. There are quite a few options available that you won't find through an internet search. (That's how I found the Kenyon Institute)

As I hear of more, I'll post.

1 comment:

Ned said...

I think the Institute of Jerusalem Studies offers courses in Arabic. I read it once in This week in Palestine, there website doesn't mention that though.
Anyway, very nice blog with interesting posts, I tend to agree with lots of what you have. But very long posts.